This is a butterfly that I found in the father-in-law's front yard some time ago. This small butterfly belongs to the Lycaenids or gossamer-winged family. The wingspan is 24-32 mm for males and 24-34 mm for females.
Common names:
Czech: modrásek cizokrajný
Dutch: Tijgerblauwtje, Langstaartblauwtje
English: Peablue, Pea Blue, Pea-blue Argus, Long-tailed Blue, Long-tailed Pea-blue, Bean Butterfly, Meske's Skipper
French: azuré porte-queue
German: Langgeschwänzter Bläuling, Großer Wander-Bläuling
Russian: Голубянка гороховая
Slovak: modráčik cudzokrajný
Spanish: Canela estriada
Swedish: Långsvansad blåvinge
Scientific classification of Pea Blue (Lampides boeticus)
Kingdom Animalia Linnaeus, 1758 – animals
Phylum Arthropoda Latreille, 1829 – arthropods
Class Insecta Linnaeus, 1758 – insects
Order Lepidoptera Linnaeus, 1758 - butterflies and moths
Family Lycaenidae Leach, 1815 - Blues and Coppers or Gossamer-Winged Butterflies
Tribe Polyommatini W. Swainson, 1827 - weak blues
Genus Lampides Hübner, 1819
Species Lampides boeticus (Linnaeus, 1767) - Pea Blue
- Papilio boeticus Linnaeus, 1767
- Papilio damoetes Fabricius, 1775
- Lycaena leguminis Scott, 1890 (unavailable syn)
- Papilio coluteae Fuessly, 1775
- Papilio archias Cramer, [1777]
- Papilio pisorum Fourcroy, 1785
- Papilio boetica Fabricius, 1793
- Lampides armeniensis Gerhard, 1882
- Polyommatus bagus Distant, 1886
- Lampides grisescens Tutt, [1907]
- Lampides caerulea Tutt, [1907]
- Lampides caeruleafasciata Tutt, [1907]
- Lampides clara Tutt, [1907]
- Lampides clarafasciata Tutt, [1907]
- Lampides coerulea Tutt, [1907]
- Lampides ab. fasciata Tutt, [1907]
- Lampides fusca Tutt, [1907]
- Lampides ab. fuscafasciata Tutt, [1907]
- Lampides typicamarginata Tutt, [1907]
- Lampides ab. major Tutt, [1907]
- Lampides minor Tutt, [1907]
- Lampides typicafasciata Tutt, [1907]
- Lampides ab. albovittata Oberthür, 1910
- Lampides ab. ecaudata Oberthür, 1910
- Polyommatus yanagawensis Hori, 1923
- Lampides obsoleta Evans, [1925]
- Lampides fusca de Sagarra, 1926
- Lycaena ab. minor Pionneau, 1928
- Lampides infuscata Querci, 1932
- Lampides ab. kawachensis Hirose, 1933
- Lampides anamariae Gómez Bustillo, 1973
Other scientific classification:
note:In modern usage, in writing the first letter of the first part of the name, the genus, is always capitalized, while that of the second part is not, even when derived from a proper noun such as the name of a person or place. Both parts are italicized.In scientific works, the "authority" for a binomial name is usually given, at least when it is first mentioned. Thus zoologists will give the name of a particular sea snail species as "Patella vulgata Linnaeus, 1758". The name "Linnaeus" tells the reader who it was that named the species; 1758 is the date of the publication in which the original description can be found, in this case the 10th edition of the book Systema Naturae. (Botanists are not required to give the date).The authority is written in slightly different ways in zoology and botany: under the ICZN (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature) the surname is written in full together with the date (usually only the year) of publication, whereas under the ICBN (International Code of Botanical Nomenclature) the name is generally abbreviated and the date omitted. Historically, abbreviations were used in zoology too.When the original name is changed, e.g. the species is moved to a different genus, both Codes use parentheses around the original authority; the ICBN also requires the person who made the change to be given.See Binomial nomenclature in Wikipedia for more information.
Photos of Pea Blue, or Long-tailed Blue (Lampides boeticus) were taken using a camera phone Sony Ericsson K800i in Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia.
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Wow great, its a very nice and different post thanks for sharing this kind of post.. very wonderful and beautiful article.
Online GED Programs
Beautiful captures of this small butterfly. This species also found in our area.
Great shots!
We have it in France too but I haven't seen for 2 years now!
It originally came to Europe from South Africa in geranium stems as larvae in the early 90's.
It is considered as a pest but I find it very pretty and I miss not seeing it anymore!
Wow! I like the pictures. The butterfly is cute and the flowers also are beautiful. Thank you for sharing this post to us.
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