Common names:
English: White Alder, Politician's Flower, White Butter Cup, W. Indian holly, sage rose, holly rose
Indonesia: Bunga pukul delapan, lidah kucing (Java)
English: White Alder, Politician's Flower, White Butter Cup, W. Indian holly, sage rose, holly rose
Indonesia: Bunga pukul delapan, lidah kucing (Java)
White Alder is a perennial herb, often woody at the base, 30-80 cm high, with a frequently very strong taproot. Native to West Indies, Brazil, and Central America, White Alder sports white flowers with yellow halo around black centers. Stems cylindrical, leafy over a considerable length, densely hairy. Leaves not crowded, ovate-elliptic or ovate-oblong, very distinctly dentate-serrate. Flowers in the higher leaf-axils. Petals with a slightly hairy, 3-4 mm long claw, blade obovate, broadly rounded, entire, above the claw glabrous, finally above the base much spreading or subreflexed.
In Indonesia, leaves and roots of this medicinal plant commonly used to treat digestive disorders (such as abdominal bloating, no appetite), arthritic joints accompanied by swelling, swelling due to bruising, and weak after recovering from serious illness.
There are a few of these White Alder plants in the side yard, along with some Yellow Alder plants at home in Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta, Indonesia.
Scientific Classification of White Alder (Turnera subulata)
Kingdom Plantae Haeckel, 1866 – Plants
Subkingdom Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
Superdivision Spermatophyta – Seed plants
Division (Phylum) Magnoliophyta - Cronquist, Takhtajan & W. Zimmermann, 1966 - Flowering Plants
Class Magnoliopsida Brongniart, 1843 – Dicotyledons
Order Order Malpighiales C. Martius, 1835
Family Passifloraceae A.L. de Jussieu ex Roussel, 1806, nom. cons. - Passion-Flower family
Subfamily Turneroideae (Kunth ex A.P. de Candolle, 1828) Eaton, 1836
Genus Turnera C. Linnaeus, 1753
Species T. subulata
Botanical/Scientific name: Turnera subulata Sm. (1817)
Photos of White Alder (Turnera subulata) Flowers were taken using a camera phone Sony Ericsson K800i in Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta, Indonesia.
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wah rajin sekali bikin blog, moga bermanfaat..capek juga post dan editing ketikan plus bikin gambar2nya he3
amin..mumpung lagi rajin, jadi dikerjain dan dinikmatin aja he3 :-)
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